Bitter Salty (Amargo Salgado)

Director: Joana X
Duration: 6’
This film is a tribute to all of those who venture out upon the sea, to those who stay on land praying for them and to those who shot these images from 1930 to 1952. Using the technique of found-footage, this short-film is about the Portuguese sea, about the sweat of the fishermen who leave and the cry of the women who stay in land, inspired by the verses of Fernando Pessoa: “O salty sea, so much of whose salt / Is Portugal’s tears!”, and David Mourão-Ferreira’s poem “Barco Negro”, sung by Amália Rodrigues. It is also an homage to Portuguese Cinema, and films such as “Maria do Mar” and “Ala-Arriba!” by Leitão de Barros, “Douro, Faina Fluvial” by Manoel de Oliveira, or “Nazaré” by Manuel Guimarães.