The NY Portuguese Short Film Festival, produced by the Arte Institute, was the first Portuguese short film festival in the United States. It showcases the latest short film productions by Portuguese directors and writers, including fiction, animation, and documentary. The festival has been a unique and unprecedented showcase for the Portugal brand and contemporary Portuguese cinema, and has opened doors for new national filmmakers. In the past 13 editions, we have reached all continents, 24 countries, and 53 cities.

The films selected for this year’s showcase are:

  • The Wide Eyed Girl and the Long Legged Boy by Maria Hespanhol
  • The Smotherer by Silvana Torricella
  • Dead End by Helena Duarte, Lara Marjo, Júlia Leite
  • Daughters of the Fatherland by Catarina Almeida
  • You are the Dust by Micael Luís Espinha
  • The Foam and the Lion by Claúdio Jordão
  • My House Has Many Windows by Leonor Faria Henriques
  • Letter to My Father by Rafael Ferreira
  • The Magnificent Woman by Mia Tomé
  • First Times at Coney Island by Joana Botelho

Promotional video by Rui Ventura: